World Class Manufacturing
Active Pharmaceutical ingredients manufacturing spread over 400,000 sq meters near Chandigarh, in the foothills of the Himalaya mountains (Punjab & Himachal Pradesh, India)
25 Years of Excellence
Manufacturing experience with approvals from USFDA, EUGMP, PMDA, KFDA. Experienced in process, R&D, API manufacturing and Formulations with a portfolio of proprietary technologies
Dedicated Formulations
Contract manufacturing capabilities for Cephalosporin solid dosage forms like tablets, capsules, dry powder oral suspension, granules and injectables. Approvals in more than 30 countries
Accredited and Respected Quality
ISO 9001 QMS, ISO 14001 EMS, ISO 18001 OHSAS, ISO 50001 EnMS, ISO 13485, FSSC 22000, HACCP, BRC, FSSAI, CoPPs, Written Confirmations for quality excellence.
About Us
Nectar Lifesciences Limited is a research-driven, leading manufacturer of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API), intermediates as well as Finished dosage forms offering largest segment of anti-infectives namely Cephalosporins. Nectar has proven to be a reliable CMO to global pharma innovators.

Sustainability is no longer about doing less harm. It’s about doing more good.
-Jochen Zeitz

If you educate a man, you educate an individual. But if you educate a woman, you educate a nation.
-African Proverb